1st thing on the list is, how much to pack for the angbao?
Anything related to money is a sensitive issue...the following are some of my suggestions.
Method 1
Honesty is the best policy...just blatantly check with the wedding host "How much do u think I should I give?"...
Method 2
A taxi driver suggested giving a real blank cheque.
Is that feasible?? Wouldn't that put both the wedding host and yourself in the spot??
If he/she is a worthy friend and u r in a dilemma of how much to give, this method will throw the question back to the wedding host. Ideally, he/she would fill in the appropriate amt for u...rather than u, asking the awkward question of "How much should I give har?".
The rule of thumb is: A = B + S
(where A is Angbao value, B is Break-even amt, S is Special feeeeling)
In doing this, u expect the wedding host to fill in the "S" value for u meh? Depending on individual, some would be so paiseh to fill in the S amt and some might fill in an amt too much for u to bear.
Bounced chq - u'll need to pay the bounced chq bank fees and "refund" to the wedding host, or kiss your relationship with that fren goodbye...
I havn't try this yet, but would advise against it, unless u have sufficient funds in your bank account and confident of the relationship with that friend/associate. Any 3 long and 2 short, would cost u a friendship.
Check with other wedding guests going to the same wedding on the amt they are giving. An average or matching the highest value would be a safe bet.
Cons: Ensure that u check with the right ppl. It would be paiseh to check with an uninvited someone and let that someone wonder why he/she is not invited...
Method 4
Chk out the following Angbao guide, that I just found...However, dun't take it for granted, prices may fluctuate and there are expenses such as beverages to cover...Ang Pow Bible’11
Topic to be continued....Too tired to go on now...