Monday, May 23, 2011

Wedding Talk

As an experienced guest for wedding luncheons/dinners in Singapore, let me share my 2 cents about being a wedding guest, as a non-driving bachelor.

1st thing on the list is, how much to pack for the angbao?
Anything related to money is a sensitive issue...the following are some of my suggestions.

Method 1
Honesty is the best policy...just blatantly check with the wedding host "How much do u think I should I give?"...

Method 2
A taxi driver suggested giving a real blank cheque.
Is that feasible?? Wouldn't that put both the wedding host and yourself in the spot??
If he/she is a worthy friend and u r in a dilemma of how much to give, this method will throw the question back to the wedding host. Ideally, he/she would fill in the appropriate amt for u...rather than u, asking the awkward question of "How much should I give har?".
The rule of thumb is: A = B + S
(where A is Angbao value, B is Break-even amt, S is Special feeeeling)
In doing this, u expect the wedding host to fill in the "S" value for u meh? Depending on individual, some would be so paiseh to fill in the S amt and some might fill in an amt too much for u to bear.
Bounced chq - u'll need to pay the bounced chq bank fees and "refund" to the wedding host, or kiss your relationship with that fren goodbye...

I havn't try this yet, but would advise against it, unless u have sufficient funds in your bank account and confident of the relationship with that friend/associate. Any 3 long and 2 short, would cost u a friendship.

Method 3
Check with other wedding guests going to the same wedding on the amt they are giving. An average or matching the highest value would be a safe bet.
Cons: Ensure that u check with the right ppl. It would be paiseh to check with an uninvited someone and let that someone wonder why he/she is not invited...

Method 4
Chk out the following Angbao guide, that I just found...However, dun't take it for granted, prices may fluctuate and there are expenses such as beverages to cover...
Ang Pow Bible’11

Topic to be continued....Too tired to go on now...

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