Friday, January 9, 2015

Resolution 2015: IT Fatcat

2015 is here and suddenly comes a feeling to write a resolution...

Started in IT since 2003 and fortunately (or unfortunately) still surviving in this industry...I don't know to be happy or sad. Passion, I have IT, but unlike others in IT with M$ Apple riches beyond that bursting bubble...the small fry IT guy just fly along, thankful to make enough for a living.

My ill fated ten year cycle brings about 一年不如一年 since 2008. (Always easy to blame IT on My Destiny...U r my Destiny...damnIT...:)
I have customers that see me as savior and customers that see me as useless...
Companies that started as ikan billis and evolved to big ikans that pay my bills...
Companies that started as sharks and ended up with the loansharks... 
The same customer that commented I was young, fast and honest, eventually 嫌弃我 老,小,慢,偷。

早期自称电脑华佗,今日改称电脑肥猫。。。IT hope of IT facai...
华佗太狂了。。。考虑过,电脑东邪,电脑西毒,电脑新顽童, 还是低调好。。。
I practice Computer TCM, as 医电脑,可以参考传统中医。。。
望闻问切。(WLSQF - Watch, Listen, Smell, Query, Feel)
GOOGLE is 我最好的老师。。。但害教师的老师苦了wor...
PLUS 我有天份又后天努力,学东西快,现学现卖。。。

It's late..and I lack sleep as past 2 days on call I conclude my resolution:

Aspiring to be the trusted IT guy...
with heartware instead of hardware...
though I'm punctured in punctuality...

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